Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Its raining sand today!

Weather forecast, partly cloud with a chance of sand's true!  I was walking to dinner and a shower of powdery sand started falling.  I asked someone in the coffee shop near by and they said when rain is coming, the clouds generally expell the sand before it starts raining.   You just don't get a good sand storm in Nebraska ever.  It does wonders for the hair and complexion.

The job is going well  - extremely busy today, but I like it that way.  It makes the 9-1/2 hour day go faster.  Tomrrow is a short day (only 7 hours of work) and then I am off to look at new apartments for myself and the "crew".  One is called the Dunes and the other is called the Al Mana (I thought the gentlemen was calling AMANA like the Amana Colonies).   I am meeting with Akbar for these tours and he can't seem to get the hang of my name - apprently, my name doesn't have enought syllables for some here, so I am being called Ah-le-ah, O'Le-ah (sounds a bit Irish),or  Le-ah-ah.   I am getting used to the different pronunciations everyone has for Qatar:  The Americans call it "cutter", the British call it "kit-tar" and the Indians call it "qwatar".   I guess we are all calling it "home" at least for now! 


  1. Hmmm...raining sand??? Sounds like a potentially hair-ruining situation. Perhaps you need to borrow some of the hair clips you have given to me for my travels to Vietnam??? Let me know. Love the blog! xoxo

  2. Yes, sand storms are crazy. The sand is so fine and leaves a gretty coating on everything. They are called haboobs here.

    And we do have sand storms in Nebraska. Western Nebraska. I drove through one a few years ago on my way to New Mexico and I had to get a new windshield and a whole paint job! Who would ever have guessed!

    Love the blog too!
